Feel The Darkness was widely hailed as an immediate classic upon its original release, and its status as one of the greatest Punk albums of all time has endured to the present day. This is evident from its regular and frequent inclusion in music press-published “Greatest Punk Albums Of All Time” lists. Among diehard P.I. fans, this album is rivaled only by Kings Of Punk”as the crown jewel of POISON IDEA’s discography. Longtime P.I. and TKO Records devotees alike are doubtlessly familiar with the previously released 2018 version of Feel The Darkness. This complete remix and remastering was a massive undertaking that sought to deliver the definitive version of this album. BUT, valiant and noble as our efforts were, over the subsequent years, repeat listens began to reveal a few cracks in the armor: a missing guitar part here, an absent backing vocal there, etc. So with a renewed vigor and the power of hindsight, we decided to take another crack at constructing the ULTIMATE version of this important album. Gathering the multi-track transfers from the original master tapes and newly unearthed audio sources, we returned to the studio. This time around, TKO entrusted venerated Portland recording engineer Larry Crane with the monumental task of this new remix. Larry’s impeccable credentials (founding Jackpot Studios and Tape-Op magazine) and his deep connection to Portland underground music (as archivist of the Elliot Smith estate, etc) made him an obvious choice for the job. What resulted is a carefully crafted mix that restores many of the original decisions which the previous 2018 version steered away from, as well as improving and refining on the 1990 version where appropriate. Reverse-engineered with love and attention, this new version is true to the spirit of the original album, preserving its authenticity in every way possible.